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Our policy is that everyone pays to attend, including presenters and workshop leaders. There are no free tickets.

International Delegate Ticket

€700 (¥ 120 000) *

This rate covers full participation at the conference by international delegates on all 3 conference days, including all social evening events and free ISPIM membership.


* Full-time students are eligible for a 10% discount.

Japan-Based Delegate Ticket

Full 3-Day Conference - €700 (¥ 120 000) *
3-Day Daytime Only - €525 (¥ 90 000) *
Monday Daytime Only - €175 (¥ 30 000) *

This rate is for delegates based in Japan only. Daytime only participation does not include any social events. These can be purchased separately. It includes free ISPIM membership.


* Full-time students based are eligible for a 10% discount.

Social Guest Only Ticket

€175 (¥ 30 000)
Monday Social Ticket - €100 (¥ 17 140)
Tuesday Social Ticket - €70 (¥ 12 860)

Social guests (husbands, wives, partners, etc.) are invited to the social evening events but may NOT attend daytime sessions or tours.

All payments are to be made in Euros. Japanese Yen prices are indicative only and are based on the exchange rate of 1 July 2024.  Price includes: Conference Entry, Delegate Badge, Eventsential Event Platform, Wordly Translation Platform, Conference Proceedings, ISPIM Membership (free and without obligation), Conference Dinners x 2 (Monday & Tuesday - except for Japan-based daytime only delegates), Lunch x 3 (except for Monday only delegates); Refreshments during the event. Social events include food and both soft and alcoholic drinks.​​ 

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